Fox News is Too Stupid to Realize Their Women are Exploiting Children as Much as The View Exploited Children
Toxic femininity on full display at Fox News
Fox News was right to call out The View for how they exploited children, but they’re too stupid to realize they made a very similar tone-deaf mistake.
The Fox News anchorettes were virtue signaling as much as The View, but their power play wasn’t well thought out.
Yes, it’s true that the anchorettes didn’t overtly politicize their children, but they arguably did something much worse: in order to win some kind of moral high ground, they exposed and exploited their children–who were not in the public eye–to a nation and indeed the world at large.
By allowing pictures of their kids in “normal” Halloween costumes to be publicly broadcast.
So what?
So now the public writ large now know what their children look thus increasing the risk that their children could be put in harm’s way if someone chose to act against any of these women for political reasons.
The children of the anchorettes were exploited so their moms could show their children off and brag about them and use them as pawns.
And to what end? To attempt to score points by showing how “normal” their kids are? To show they can be more cunning than the women on The View by putting their kids on air, but without a political message attached to their children? This is toxic femininity.
These women ought to be ashamed of themselves!
If Fox News had any moral fiber, these women would be fired immediately, Fox News would issue a public and highly publicized apology, and Fox News would donate the equivalent of these anchorettes’ salaries to an anti-child exploitation organization.
Fox News’ standards must be higher than everyone else’s standards if they are to be the standard for everyone else.
Fox News, this is not a good look on you. Cut your losses while you can.